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Congratulations. You just had a baby!

While the feeling is beyond words you cannot wait to get back into a normal routine along with your little one.

As you move into this routine, you will be constantly nagged with the thought of health and fitness. ‘Getting back in shape’ and getting rid of that tummy falls into your immediate to do list of things. Relax -- there is still time for you to venture into that vigorous workout zone as your body heals from the recent exhaustion of labour and delivery. It takes time to restore muscle strength and firm up your body.

Tina will be able to help you condition your body post baby 6-8 week term. Starting to work out again or starting for the first time needs to be done in steps. Recently, I’ve been certified as a Core confidence specialist; “I want to be the in-demand expert women trust to help them work their bodies in ways that can help prevent and heal common core challenges like incontinence, prolapse and diastasis recti. I will give my clients a better understanding of what Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor dysfunction are all about, as well as giving them knowledge about what movement practices will help guide them to better core health and fitness so they can live better.”

It’s an adjustment after you have children, but this program will help you raise your energy levels, promote weight loss, improve your cardiovascular and restore muscle strength, condition your abdominal muscles, and enhance your stamina levels helping you to take charge during motherhood!

6 sessions $375

12 Sessions $625

18 Sessions $800

24 Sessions $950

Travel fee $0.62/KM + HST

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